Curb Your
Enthusiasm is an
improvised American Comedy television series produced and broadcasted by HBO
and premiered in October 2000. It has been written by Larry David directed
by Robert B. Weide and stars Larry David himself as well as Jeff Garlin, Cheryl
Hines and Susie Essman. The series follows the fictionalized version of Larry
David and his life as a television writer and producer in Los Angeles and New
York City later on.
We have been shown
the first episode of the first season of Curb Your
Enthusiasm named as ‘The Pants Tent’ aired on the 15th
October 2000. In the premier of the episode, Larry joking refers to
his wife Cheryl as “Hitler”, which
offends his manager Jeff’s conservative Jewish parents. Larry’s wife Cheryl
sets him up with her friend, but the bunch up in Larry’s trousers resulted in
many misunderstandings,
Within the episode
of Curb Your Enthusiasm, they are being
followed around, living their everyday life with dull humour and more adult
content involved. We come across an awkward situation at the cinema with Larry
and Cheryl’s friend, as well as seeing shaky handheld camera work. There is
also casual conversation with Larry with his boss at work and we also hear
upbeat and quirky music being played. The most comedy that was created was with
the awkwardness, the awkward situations and silences.
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