The Thick of It is a British Comedy television series on BBC, which is written by Jesse Armstrong, Sam Bait, Ian Martin and Armando Iannucci who has also directed the program made in 2005 to 2012. It stars Peter Capaldi, Chris Langham and many more. This program satirizes the inside workings of the modern British government. The script has been improvised rather than having it scripted which makes it more realistic to the actors and the audience. The program also includes strong language throughout.
Series one of The
Thick of It was first broadcasted in 2005.
In this series, Hugh Abbot is the new minister who follows the forced
resignation of his predecessor Cliff Lawton. The episodes in this series
follows his attempts to make a mark on the department with introducing some new
policies following the party line which is enforced by Malcom Tucker. With many
complications and mistakes in place, the minister comes close to being close to
being fired on many occasions.
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